Flooring Trends for Interior Spaces

HomeBlogFlooring trends for interior spaces

I am currently working on a couple of remodeling jobs and new construction homes and flooring choices are always big decisions to make for many obvious reasons. We desire them to be stylish, the right color  and a beautiful design, we want them to be durable and practical and most of the time we would like them to be as maintenance free as possible. Fortunately flooring designs and options have changed and improved a lot over the last decade  that the only problem might be, that there are too many options! But what a great problem to have for any interior designer or decorator ! Knoxville and surrounding areas have been blessed with great steady growth for new construction ( may it be in the downtown area with condos and apartments or out west in the Farragut area with new subdivisions), therefor it makes sense that we continue to see old flooring stores to revamp themselves with new innovated products as well as new flooring stores popping up. Historically flooring developed slowely. Natural materials were the only options with stone and wood planks leading the forefront which up to this date are still the most popular choices for our homes.

I will write about flooring choices and design options in the next few days.